Second Birth

How to Register for Classes


Rebirthing: this is an ancient Tibetan breathing technique. Fundamentally there is an assertion that any one human is born twice: first of all as a physical creature and then, secondly, spiritually.

During these sessions, the person goes through a series of experiences. This gives us the possibility to regulate and eliminate deep inner conflicts, to lift off physiological tensions caused by an accumulation of stressful situations.

During the repeat session’, the birth traumas affecting a whole person’s life are lifted off. As a result a state of peace and internal harmony is achieved. Particular fullness and a perception of clarity of life’ are characteristic of state.

The SECOND BIRTH’ methods used in sessions enable us to develop creative abilities, to remove various complexes and restrictions, to achieve physiological spontaneity of actions and to raise our individual energy.

Such classes may be recommended to a wide circle of people interested in preventative treatment for their physical, psychological and personal state’ as well as to people with neurotic conditions.

The application of these methods in various countries throughout the world has shown that its effect is wide-ranging in the treatment of somatic illnesses.

An experienced psychologist holds these classes.

The length of one lesson varies from 90 minutes to 2 hours.

The number of classes required is defined individually and depends on the overall state of the person.

You are advised to bring comfortable clothes which will not restrict your movements as well as a handkerchief and a blanket.

Please contact us by phone (see contacts)