Forms and Exercises

Little idea’ form (Syao nyan tou)

Palm-fist’ greeting

Making a stance

Crossed gen shou (ploughing hand)

Crossed tan shou (spread hand, palm up block)

Rotating hands, fists drawn to the trunk

Sun fist (with the left hand)

Tan shou (spread hand, palm up block): then carry out the same sequence of exercises with the right hand

Rotating movement of the hand, the palm placed in the fist

Fist block

Tan shou (spread hand) with the left hand

Palm twisting half a circle

Hu Shou (protecting hand) draws back to the trunk

Fu shou (laying or controlling hand) moves forward

Palm twisting half a circle

Pai shou (slapping hand, a slap by the hand, side of the palm)

A strike by a vertical palm

The palm spinning half a circle, placed in the fist and reversed to the trunk: then execute the move Three bows to Buddha’, pai shou, palm stroke and fist reverse back to the trunk, repeated by the same form carried out with the right hand

Left tszin shou (wrist pushing down)

Right tszin shou

Double tszin shou backward

Double tszin shou forward

Lan shou (barring hand)

Fu shou (a side strike with the sharp sides of the hands)

Double lowering block by the elbows

Double tan shou

Double chzhi shou (shaking off hands)

Byao chzhi (striking fingers)

Double tszin shou down

A strike by the wrists (a strike by the pig’s hoofs’)

Double tan shou

Rotating hands movement, palm placed into the fist and reversed back: same with the right hand

Pai shou (slapping hand, a slap with the hand, side palm) from the left hand

Laying palm

A strike by the laying palm

The palm spinning half a circle, placed into fist and reversed back to the trunk: same with the right hand

Tan shou with the left hand

Lowering block

Scooping hand

Palm spinning in a circle, a forward strike by the laying hand

A palm spinning in a circle, placed in the fist and reversed back to the trunk

Ban shou with the left hand: same with the right hand

Tan shou

A strike by the base of the upturned hand

The palm spinning half a circle, placed into the fist and reversed back to the trunk

Left hand stretches forward, then cleaning hands strike three times

Chain strike using the fist (three times in turn: left hand, right hand and again left hand)

The palm spinning half a circle, placed into the fist and reverse back to the trunk

Palm-fist’ greeting.